Dental Implants

Dental implants are surgical-grade root devices that support permanent tooth prosthetics that are manufactured to last a lifetime. These artificial roots are anchored in the bone beneath the gums where they become fused into the jaw. A crown is mounted atop the implant for a long-lasting and natural looking smile. Dentures and bridges only replace the crown portion of the tooth and they do not replace the root. Many dentists and patients prefer dental implants because they offer the same function as natural teeth and also help prevent bone atrophy in the jaw. Because of their versatility, dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth, several missing teeth, damaged teeth, or otherwise depending on the needs of a patient. Dental implants can restore an entire smile.

Did You Know…

That approximately 30 million people live with no natural teeth in one or both jaws? But more and more dental patients are opting for dental implants as a means of tooth replacement. The American Academy of Implant Dentistry reports that 3 million people currently have dental implants – a number that is rapidly growing by about 500,000 per year. Modern titanium implants were first developed in the 1950’s, but archeologists have determined that ancient Egyptians and Mayans were the first cultures to implant artificial teeth.

Titanium dental implants carry a high rate of osseointegration with surrounding bone. Not only does that contribute to their strength and durability, but it also translates to a much higher success rate for dental implant patients. In fact, more than 97 percent of all dental implant procedures are successful 10 or more years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are dental implants right for me?

You may qualify for dental implants if you have missing, broken or severely decayed teeth and are in relatively good overall health. The only way of determining your eligibility for implants is to consult with Dr. Gregory J. Young to identify whether you have adequate bone support and healthy gums that will support the dental implant. There are various ways we can approach inadequate bone support with several bone grafting techniques. Sometimes it is necessary to rebuild bone before implant placement. However, often times, we are able to place the implant same day along with tooth removal and bone grafting. This allows you to have the entire surgical phase done in one day..

What type of post-treatment care will I require?

It is normal to experience some discomfort, including bruising and swelling following a dental implant procedure. However, inflammation and pain may be managed with over-the-counter medications, or prescription medication as Dr. Gregory J. Young deems necessary. You may be asked to avoid chewing on that area and do most of chewing on opposite side for a month.  Also, softer foods are better tolerated at this time. You may brush all of your teeth, however, avoid brushing directly on surgery site.

Is it painful to get dental implants?

No. Dental implant procedures are generally painless in our office. Our office is equipped with state of the art technology that expedites the implant process and reduces pain and swelling. Sedation and anesthetic is also available to minimize discomfort during the implant process. Pain management options are available to individuals who experience discomfort during the healing and recovery period.

Is there a benefit to choosing dental implants over other dental prosthetics?

Implants are the top choice in dental prosthetics, as they offer benefits that dentures and bridges alone are incapable of providing. Made from titanium, these prosthetics are designed to last a lifetime in most patients. Furthermore, they are as strong, functional and aesthetically appealing as natural teeth. Most importantly, dental implants fully replace the original tooth root, preventing jaw atrophy that is common with other tooth replacement options, such as dentures.

How long does this process take?

The actual placement of dental implants typically requires only a couple of hours in our office. However, you must first visit for a consultation and treatment planning session.

Furthermore, some patients may require pre-surgical bone grafting to help fill in areas of the jaw that have already deteriorated due to tooth loss. Dental implants require several months to integrate with surrounding bone before patients can return to have permanent crowns put in place. If you would like to learn more about dental implants, please contact us today 855-257-4025.