
Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Are you having difficulty eating and/or lacking confidence due to missing teeth?  If so, dental implants may be for you.  Dental implants, or teeth attached by way of “artificial tooth roots surgically attached to the jaw to secure a replacement tooth, bridge or denture… look, feel and function like natural teeth.”1   There are many factors to consider when choosing the correct treatment plan for you, but generally speaking most people heal very well following dental implant surgery.

Good Candidates

Fortunately, most people, even those with preexisting medical conditions, can end up being good candidates for dental implants, as long as, the medical condition(s) are treatable and monitored regularly by your physician.  There are very few absolute contradictions for dental implants. 

Dental Implant Consultation

To ensure you are a good candidate for dental implants and also form a treatment plan, you will meet with your doctor for a consultation/evaluation.  The dental implant surgeon will go over your health history, take x-rays or 3D images to show the structure and density of the bone to ensure it is favorable for dental implants.  They will then discuss options and develop a treatment plan.3

At-Risk for Dental Implant Failure

Dental implants have a very high success rate, but some people are more at risk for dental implant failure than others, such as individuals with a history of cancer, radiation to jaw, uncontrolled gum disease, smoking, alcoholism or uncontrolled diabetes.  Though these are risk factors, the individual may still be a good candidate as long as the dental implant surgeon assesses these risks and works with your doctor to increase your overall health and success of your dental implant procedure.  Individuals who excessively grind their teeth may place too much pressure on the implants keeping them from being successful and there are also certain medications that can suppress your immune system, such as steroids that may prevent a successful dental implant outcome.4

Patience is Key

It is also important to understand that dental implants can take anywhere from 4-12 months to complete the whole process. It takes time for the new tooth to be crafted, have the implant placed and allow adequate healing time.  The patient should also plan for extra time should they need bone grafting.  However, it is worth the wait!  Dental implants can help your overall quality if life, grant you the ability to chew and your confidence back thanks to your new, beautiful smile!

If you are interested in dental implant surgery, please call 888.257.4025 to set up a consultation with Dr. Young.


1.  Causes and Consequences of Tooth Loss.  Consumer Guide to Dentistry.  Available online on 10 February 2020.  Website:

2.  5 Signs of A Candidate for Dental Implants.  You Smile Dental.  Available online on 10 August 2020.  Website:

3.  What Can a Patient Expect During a Dental Implant Consultation?  Advanced Dental Implant Services.  Available online on 10 August 2020.  Website:

 4. Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?  Phelps Family Dentistry.  Published on April 6, 2020.  Available online on 10 August 2020.  Website:

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