
Should I get All-On-4, All-On-6 or All-On-8 Dental Implants?

What is the Difference Between All-On-4, All-On-6 and All-On-8 Dental Implants?

Just like they sound “All-On-4”, “All-On-6” and “All-On-8” dental implants represent the number of implants placed in your jaw: 4, 6 or 8 implants.  Your dentist will use 3D imaging, X-Rays and a consultation to assess the condition of your teeth, gums and bone to determine which option is best for you.  “During an “All-On-4” [and similarly “All-On-6”, “All-On-8”] procedure one full arch of upper or lower teeth missing or broken teeth are replaced with fixed prosthetic teeth.  Your dental surgeon attaches these implant bridge arches to your upper or lower jawbone (or both) with dental implants (tiny metal screws which replace your tooth root).  Unlike other dental implant procedures which require 1 screw per tooth, “All-On-4” only requires 4 screws.”2  [“All-On-6”, 6 screws and “All-On-8”, 8 screws].  In the past, dental implants required 1 screw per tooth.  For patients with significant tooth or bone loss, this meant a long period of healing and possible bone grafting.3  The “All-On” approach allows for less screws all of which are to be placed in one day, in turn, faster healing time!  

Is one option better than another?

No, every patient’s needs are different, therefore, it is just a matter of which procedure suits your needs.  The good news is all of these options provide you with a better quality of life, stability to properly chew (unlike dentures), easy recovery and confidence.

What does the ideal candidate look like?

If you are looking for a more permanent solution to dentures, suffer from a significant amount of tooth loss, decay or periodontal disease you may consider “All-On-4”, “All-On-6” or “All-On-8” dental implants.  The ideal patient understands they should avoid smoking, alcohol and that dental implants need to be properly cared for and cleaned.  

If you are interested in dental implant surgery, please call 888.257.4025 to set up a consultation with Dr. Young.  He has several office locations he works out of throughout Southeast Michigan.


  1.  Advperio. The Difference Between All On 4, All On 6 And All On 8.  All-On-Four Dental Implant Centers.  Available May 24 2021.  Website:
  2. Top 5 Reasons to get All-On-4 Dental Implants.  Advanced Dental Implant Services.  Available May 24 2021.  Website:
  3. All On 4 vs All On 6 Dental Implants: Which Procedure is Right For You? 1st Family Dental.  Available May 24 2021.  Website:

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